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Through Xiafei's Eyes:
A Photographic Exploration of UK's Vibrant Cultural Landscape

In her vivid tableau of life and landscapes, Xiafei captures the nuanced symphony of the world through a lens that discerns more than what meets the eye. This article is a gateway to her explorations, where every photograph is a story. Xiafei's work deftly marbles the grandeur of natural expanses with the delicate intimacy of human moments, crafting a narrative that is as much about the world we inhabit as it is about the internal landscapes we carry within us. Her art is not just seen; it is felt, it converses with the beholder, invoking a dance of emotions that linger long after the image fades. In this foreword, we embark on a journey through Xiafei's eyes, an odyssey that promises to enrich and inspire, challenging us to see beyond the frame into the profound depths of our collective existence.


The Mist 


C-Type Print

60 × 80 cm


From the eclectic streets of Brighton to the awe-inspiring vistas of the Seven Sisters cliffs, Xiafei's photographic journey across the UK is a testament to her keen eye for the subtleties of cross-cultural and transdisciplinary artistic expression. Her lens breathes life into the landscapes, capturing not just images but the very essence of her experiences as an artist. With a discerning play of colours and light, Xiafei's photography transcends mere documentation; it weaves narratives that resonate deeply with the symbiosis of nature and humanity. In this exploration, she unveils a profound evolution intricately entwined with the diverse tapestry of landscapes and the cultural vibrancy - of natural beauty, human presence, and history.




Brighton Memories 1


C-Type Print

60 × 80 cm


Xiafei's distinctive style emerges as a harmonious symphony of colours that paints the canvas of her photographic vision. In pieces like 'Purple,' she masterfully utilises shades of purple and pink, not commonly associated with nature, to infuse her works with a unique femininity and soft perspective on the world. This deliberate departure from traditional colour palettes serves as a visual commentary on the delicate balance between the organic and the artificial, the historical and the contemporary. Through her lens, every hue and play of light is carefully selected to highlight the balance of human influence and natural elements within the overall composition.



Xiafei's photographic prowess extends beyond composition and subject matter; it delves into the nuanced interplay between light and shadow. The deliberate dance between these elements is not a technical choreography but a manifestation of emotion. Light becomes a storyteller, sculpting the narrative within each frame, while shadows are silent companions, adding mystery and depth. In her work, the intentional interplay between light and shadow serves as a visual language and symbolism of the human experience within nature. There is a sense of interconnectedness and harmony that the two elements bring forth, highlighting how both rely on one another for beauty and meaning.




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Great and Small


C-Type Print

60 × 80 cm



The human spirit to the natural world is an underlying, distinctive theme that Xiafei invokes over and over again. In her work, we see the intertwining threads of humanity and nature, each informing and enriching the other. Xiafei’s works often feature nature and humanity at motion - skies dotted with flocks of birds, pedestrians traversing up and down high streets, sunsets illuminating the silhouette of cows on a pasture. Xiafei’s works feel alive, and this is amplified further when the human and natural elements intersect. Through Xiafei’s eyes, we are reminded of our place in the natural order of things, and the beauty that surrounds us in every moment.





C-Type Print

60 × 80 cm


Through her art, we are reminded of the power of connection, and the beauty that lies in embracing our true selves. Xiafei's talent lies not in the subject matter itself but in continually pushing the boundaries and introducing fresh interpretations, ensuring her work remains innovative and distinct within the dynamic realm of photography.



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Brighton Memories - Seven Sisters


C-Type Print

60 × 80 cm


Xiafei's work is undoubtedly one to watch, as her keen eye for subtleties, depth, and commitment to capturing the core essence of her subjects is exceptional. Xiafei demonstrates a resilience and capacity to carve a distinctive and enduring niche. With her works having graced galleries and exhibitions across galleries in London, Milan and recently Paris, Xiafei’s portrayal of humanity and nature captures the attention of like-minded audiences from all walks of life.


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E-Type Print

60 × 80 cm


by Ava Mitchell | October 22, 2023 | Artist Features
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